Juice Box

 In this Second Assignment of RIGGING TECHNIQUES...!
We are going to RIG a JUICE BOX with Straw...!
My rig requirements are:
*the box will stretch and squash along the direction it moves
*Box much bend from top and bottom much contact with the ground
*the box must twist
*sipping action required for the straw
*Rig must be scalable
*and last but, important is to create suitable iconic curves for controls....

Now Let's Get Start Rigging the Juice Box.
First of all, I would like to Thank the faculty for giving Model to rig. alone with texture. Thank You, Sir..!

1.We make sure that model had deleted history, freeze transformed and central pivot.

2. On this rig... we are going to use a locator to connect to box and then a locator will connect with straw.
3. And, we learned need tool. (point to poly) it helps us to connect locator to a polygon.
4.Let's check requirements. So, now we need Deformers to perform the required action...

  • Bend Deformers
  • Squash Deformers
  • Twist Deformers
5. Select Model and apply all the deformers.
6.Now we should create curves tom control deformers... will create 4 curves and names it as( Box_ctrl, Straw_ctrl, Transform_ctrl, and COG_ctrl) this curves help animated to animate.
and it will look like this.....
with Control_Curves
7.Now will select bend deformer input and shift select Box_ctrl and will go to Set Drive Key to set what action to perform.
8.So to that fist will select Box_ctrl and load it as load driver and an input node of bend deformer will be load driven.
9.will select box_ctrl - translate X and bend - curvature
10. Now, we have to change the value of both the controls and key.

11.Now will select Squash deformer input and shift select Box_ctrl and will go to Set Drive Key to set what action to perform.
12.So to that fist will select Box_ctrl and load it as load driver and an input node of Squash deformer will be load driven.
13.will select box_ctrl - translate Y and Squash - Factor and Expand
14. Now, we have to change the value of both the controls and key.

Stretch and Squash
15.Now will select Twist deformer input and shift select Box_ctrl and will go to window- Node Editor to connect nodes.
16.will connect Rotate X to MultiplyDivide to End Angle
17.Rotate X output to the input of mulpileDivide (Input X node and OutPut X node) to the input node to twist node.

 18. Now will create an attribute for Straw_ctrl ( modify- add an attribute and we can add the different type of attribute according to need).
19.For siping, action will create Sculpt Deformer and curve and then will attach to it with motion path and sculpt deformer will follow the motion path.

19.To connect with attribute will use Set Driven Key method to connect sip action to it.
20.Here, I created 5 different Attribute to control my sip action....!

Attribute to Straw_ctrl 
After We should Keep Clean and Neet To Understand.
Here I created 5 different Group 
1.Box_grp(It contains all deformers and CC and Polygon)
2.Straw_grp(It contains CC, Motion Path Curve, Polygon)
3.Complete Juice Box_grp(Straw_grp and Box_grp)
4.Transform_grp(Juice Box_grp)
5.DNT(Locator and Sculpt Deformer)


[Juice Box Rig Test]

Check Out This Link to see Video on YouTube:

[Output Juice Box - Rig Test]

Comments are Welcome... 
Thanks for Watching! 


  1. Thank you so much for the detailed tutorial ! :D
    Will soon give the review after studying it.


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